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Reputedly the oldest wooden church in the world dating from the 11th century, attracting international visitors. The wooden walls of this tiny church were already standing when William the Conqueror landed at Hastings in 1066. They are made from split tree trunks smoothed by the adze and one thousand years of prayer. The ancient grave slab on the right of the porch is thought to mark a crusader's grave.
The Church is open most days from around 10am to 4pm in the winter months, and 6pm in the summer months. There are regular Sunday services to attend, or you can visit just to take in the peace and tranquillity of the Church and it’s countryside surroundings.
Guided tours are welcome, there is no charge, but the Church ask for a donation towards the cost of the upkeep of the historic building.
There are guidebooks, postcards, a selection of fine jams and marmalades on sale at the Church too.