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An easy 8 mile circular walk across countryside and incorporating part of the sea wall, passing a convenient pub for refreshment and returning along the banks of the Roach. Rochford itself is an atrractive historic market town.
Devised in partnership with Essex and South Suffolk Rail Partnership this walk is easily accessible by rail.
• Pubs at Rochford and Great Stambridge.
2. Continue straight on past Market Square, cross South Street and immediately turn left at East Street.
3. As East street bends left and becomes Stambridge Road, turn right into Rocheway. At the time of walking the sign was quite hidden in an overgrown privet hedge. When the road ends continue on the footpath across a field.
4. Turn left on reaching a lane. On reaching Stambridge Road after 300 yards turn right, crossing to walk on the pavement. After 250 yards take a
footpath on the left immediately after The Cherry Tree pub.
5. Follow the path along the edge of the field, going straight on where it meets another path after 500 yards, then turning right at the junction with a wide path after – 250 yards.
6. After 200 yards take a footpath on the left in front of a hedge which is signposted as a Public Footpath, continuing straight on for 300 yards
as the path narrows at the end of the hedge and crosses a field (still signposted “Public Footpath”).
7. On reaching another hedge turn right following a path right next to the hedge between two fences. This ends with a short stretch of lane to the main road. Cross the road and turn right immediately passing The Royal Oak, where you may wish to stop for refreshments.
8. After – 100 yards cross Ash Tree Court and take a path immediately on the left, which is followed for three quarter of a mile until reaching a lane just beyond a barn.
9. Turn left along the lane for 250 yards until a sharp left bend, then walk a few yards to the sea wall on the right. This is followed around Bartonhall Creek, reaching the main River Roach after almost a mile.
10. The next two and half miles follows the sea wall almost to the end of the tidal Roach.
11. As you approach boatyards on the far bank ignore a path on the right, continuing on the embankment for afurther 250 yards until the path turns
inland. Follow the path past the edge of a cricket field, turning left between trees just before the pavilion.
12. The path passes between two ponds then continues a short distance across a field to a lane. You are now just a few yards from where the outward route emerged at the lane 4.
13. Then turn left on the lane and take a footpath on the right after 70 yards.
14. The path soon turns sharp left and goes around the perimeter of a derelict flour mill. It crosses two footbridges by the site of Stambridge Mills, before heading towards Rochford. Keep straight on the main path, ignoring a small path to the left.
15. On meeting another path keep straight and continue alongside the Roach which is now just a stream, reaching Southend Road after two thirds of a mile. EITHER Turn right, cross the road and stay on the left, reaching Rochford Station after half a mile. OR for a slightly longer but quieter route avoiding the busy main road, bear right, taking the second exit at the roundabout just after the Horse and Groom, into South Street. Go straight on. Turn left into West Street passing Market Square on your right hand side, retracing your steps back to the station at the bottom of West Street as at the start of the walk.
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Map & Directions
Public Transport Directions
Rochford Station