Lunchtime recitals on the magnificent Moot Hall organ in Colchester's Town Hall.
Restored with the aid of Heritage Lottery Funding and the Friends of the Moot Hall Organ. Listen to this splendid instrument whilst enjoying the ambiance of Colchester's Elegant Town Hall.
Admission is free. Retiring collection in aid of the Friends of the Moot Hall Organ
1pm Tuesday 11th October Ashley Grote (Master of Music, Norwich Cathedral)
1pm Tuesday 13th December Ian Ray (Hon. Borough Organist) with Marenzio (a cappella quintet)
1pm Tuesday 10th January Simon Hogan (St Bartholomew the Great, London)
1pm Tuesday 14th February Ian Ray (Hon Borough Organist)
1pm Tuesday 14th March James Davy (Master of the Music, Chelmsford Cathedral)